When I planned my first move to Berlin in 2011, I already knew that one of the essential items I wanted to scratch off my living in Germany bucket list was to go about getting naked at a German spa.
I dreamed of feeling the freedom and absolute joy that comes with walking around naked in public. I imagined myself strutting with purpose, with complete confidence, as if my “birthday suit” were completely normal. I wanted to banish my Canadian prudishness and embrace the carefree European lifestyle.
But the narrow-minded spirit that comes from being raised in a straight-laced religious Christian household is hard to dispel overnight. Being naked in public for the very first time wasn’t going to be easy – imagining something in your head is way different than actually doing it in real life. It was imperative to get full immersion right away if it was really going to happen. I needed to push myself into a campaign of complete and total nakedness.
Getting Naked At A German Spa

I remember the very first time I went naked at a German spa as clearly as if it happened yesterday.
I was invited by a Canadian friend to Kristall-Saunatherme Ludwigsfelde, a spa facility not far from Berlin. This particular spa is almost like hanging out at a nudist colony, as people don’t just remove their clothing when they enter the sauna but in the changing area when they first enter the building. While you can also rent a robe, many spend the day swimming, eating, drinking, and walking around completely naked.
As we took the regional train out to Ludwigsfelde, I was paralyzed by fear and started to rethink my decision to get naked at a German spa. My heart was beating fast and I felt faint. I wasn’t sure if I could go through with my planned mission.
My friend was very supportive and talked me through the entire experience, telling me what to expect, and explaining sauna etiquette, such as not to place your bare buttocks on a bench. She said, that doing so would bring on the wrath of angry Germans! She also told me about how spa attendants enter the sauna from time to time, place aromatic oil on the heater, and whip a wet towel in front of them to distribute heat more evenly. I rather wickedly wondered if this person’s official title was “towel whipper” and if they had business cards.
I asked her if the place was really just a massive swingers club and if the “spa” was simply a pretense, like the ones that dot the airport strip back home in Toronto where men receive “happy endings” and not massages. She laughed but I’d only been half joking with my question, I’d heard stories about Germany long before moving here.
Seeing A Lot Of Naked People In The Change Room
The real fun started in the unisex change room, a first for me as I was always used to separated change rooms, one for men and one for women. At this German spa, everyone was together, all freely walking around naked. At first, I felt a peculiar mixture of fascination and horror. You’re not supposed to stare, but in the beginning, I just couldn’t stop staring as I’d never seen so much flesh at one time.
There were small private stalls available where you could get changed in privacy, but there wasn’t any point in using them, as soon enough, everyone would see all you have to offer. Alas, as my prudishness hadn’t yet been conquered, I naturally rented a robe and changed in a stall.
Shortly afterward, my friend and I headed to the pool area to grab a lounge chair and relax.
Being Naked in Front of Others
It was finally time for the “big reveal” — it was time for me to go about getting naked at a German spa.
My friend casually tossed off her robe and like a boss, walked confidently down to the pool, inviting me to follow. I stood back in our lounge chair and fended off another minor panic attack. With slow practiced breaths, I calmed myself down. I removed my robe and waited for lightning to strike or for people to point and laugh. I thought I’d blind others with my pasty white body. I looked around to see if people were staring at me and of course, no one was, as no one cared. I was naked, just like everyone else, and it was totally normal.
After recovering from the initial shock of being naked in public, I ran as fast as I could to the pool. My friend, clearly amused at my bashful behavior, said that running was perhaps not the “best” idea if I didn’t want to attract attention to myself. It’d been a bit of a Baywatch moment.
While pretending the water hid my nudity, I looked around the spa. There were two large heated pools, a waterfall, a swim-up bar, and an outdoor pool. You could swim from indoors to outdoors to enjoy a naked afternoon under the sun. In addition to a hammam room and a steam sauna, there were also about 10 – 15 different dry saunas with various temperatures. You could even plan your sauna times according to when the towel whippers come in to perform their rituals.
As it was a nice day, we decided to head outside. I’d never thought in a million years that I’d be swimming and walking around outside naked, but there I was naked in Germany, embracing that carefree European lifestyle the way I’d so desired.
Under the sun, we chatted about how I was feeling. I couldn’t stop laughing and crossing my arms over my chest in a futile effort to hide my breasts. It struck me as funny that in all the years we’d known each other, we’d never seen one another naked.
Being Comfortable with Nudity
As the hours passed, the awkwardness of getting naked at a German spa eased, and I began to feel way more confident and relaxed. I also still couldn’t stop staring, at a definite faux pas at any German spa. You have to be rather discrete if you plan on staring at the other naked people.
I learned a lot about myself that day. I found that I was capable of getting naked and being comfortable doing so. I saw how being naked in a sauna or spa isn’t such a big deal. I felt proud to have overcome my fears and accomplished my rather bizarre personal mission.
Since then, I have been naked in spas and saunas regularly without a care in the world. Vabali Spa in Berlin remains one of my favorite places.
Reactions to My Nude Escapades
The reactions from others when I told them about my day at the spa were varied.
My German friends expressed amusement at how enthusiastic I was about my German spa experience. Some even told me that they wouldn’t be brave enough to do what I did. Seriously, I was more open to getting naked than a native German.
Canadian friends weren’t so kind. One said that moving to Europe had made me “fucking weird” and we never spoke again. Others said that while they admired my courage, they would never get naked in public themselves.
Men asked me if guys in the spa were walking around with erections because of all the beautiful women. They said they would never go naked because they feared walking around in an aroused state all day. I destroyed their fantasies by telling them German saunas are not at all sexual and that often, families and colleagues enjoy the German spa together.
How about you? Could you go about getting naked at a German spa?
Good To Know
1) If you need a place to stay while you’re visiting Berlin, check your options with booking.com.
Booking.com2) Make your time in Berlin memorable and go on a guided tour experience.
3) If you like spa content, check out some of our favorite posts.
- Benmiller Inn and Spa, A Getaway from Toronto – Looking to escape Toronto? Then make your way to Benmiller Inn and Spa in Goderich to enjoy their spa, high-end restaurant, and more.
- Getting Rubbed Down at the Blue Lagoon Iceland – Achieve that bucket list dream and experience the Blue Lagoon Iceland for the very first time. Even better is having an in-water massage.
- Take A Soak In Suds With A Prague Beer Bath – Looking for something weird and offbeat to do in the Czech capital? Read Cheryl Howard’s tale about taking a beer bath in Prague.
*Disclosure – This post contains some affiliate links. If you book a tour or hotel, I’ll earn a tiny commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support.
HAHA! What a great post. I agree with your canadian friends though. Not that you’re fucking weird. You’re not 🙂 but that I admire your courage even though i could never do it myself!
We are a prude bunch aren’t we. I think traveling helped me get over that a lot but I always think it’s strange after hot yoga – where people wear practically nothing, that some women go into a bathroom stall to change. Really, you are relax, I’m not looking at you 🙂
@Marie – It’s hard at first, but you get used to it more quickly than you think. 🙂
@Ayngelina – Indeed we are! I think we all need to just relax a bit.
@Outside the Guidebook – Ha ha! Thanks and yes you need to do this and them write about it. 🙂
THIS I am so going to do one day! :-)) I thought the cover photo was a shot of sheep from a distance… and then I noticed. Good read Cheryl.
Such an interesting read and I’m impressed, you did so much better than I did. I guess I really am a prude. Thanks for the mention!
@Laurel – No, you are not at all! I think it’s a very personal experience and only do what you’re comfortable doing. And with how we were raised, it makes it even harder. And you never know, maybe you’ll try it again at some point. 🙂
Haha, loved this post! As a non-European, it’s a real shock when you visit Europe and experience a communal change room or shower or bath/spa etc for the first time. I’m amazed at how comfortable they all are being nude and how uncomfortable we non-Europeans are! But it’s definitely a liberating experience. I would feel really uncomfortable if I was with friends or family, but among strangers, I’ve grown to be reasonably okay with it.
The first time is difficult but once you do it you can’t think of not doing it again. It’s one of the most liberating feelings. I started this 2 years ago and sometimes just miss it so much that I have to find a moment for myself and let it go. The greatest part is when you know you have nothing to lose.
@M – The first time is very difficult but pretty funny when you look back later on and see how shy you once were! 🙂
Absolutely true. Amazing how we make such a big issue out of nothing. I often go to the sauna with my partner and that’s absolutely great but have never tried it with a friend or a colleague. Was it not an awkward situation for you to got with a friend?
@M – It was weird at first but then after a few minutes, it was just fine.
I am non-European and live in a small Dutch village and frequent the sauna. Although hasn’t happened yet but I have no doubts that sooner or later I will bump into a neighbor or friend. Not really sure how but I think it won’t be as weird as I now think. For now it’s definitely not my most preferred situation 😉 With the strangers I can’t just get enough of this most fundamental freedom.
@M – You’ll get over it soon enough! It will only be weird for the first few minutes. 🙂
I guess it’s easier when you’re a woman, can get complicated when you’re a man!!!
Honestly, does none of you look at others in a nude sauna? Honest, honest?
I like Adam’s blog too. It’s fun learning that bloggers know each other in real life 🙂
Okay, now you’ve done it it’s time for the proper sauna experience. I mean up here in Scandinavia, in the mountains, at a cabin in the depths of winter. Damn right you’re naked, and when it’s getting too war, you go and roll around in the snow before heading back in. I am not kidding 🙂 I’m a Brit and have lived in Norway for 14 years, but am not quite there yet. The nakedness is not the issue, the snow bit is…
@Kathryn – Yeah, for sure! It’s nice to have other travel bloggers as friends so we can talk business and other things that our regular friends don’t exactly understand.
@Andy – Ha ha, I will make a point to try that experience sometime. 🙂
I don’t know how I managed to skip the whole prude thing when I was growing up, but I must be one of the only North American’s over here that doesn’t freak out about getting nude at the sauna. 🙂 Actually, these days, the younger generation of Germans is quite prude as well, with some even staying wrapped in a towel when they go in the 65° saunas — which can’t even be comfortable.
Going to enjoy haunting your blog more and getting more insights to Berlin since I’m a new Berliner myself!
@Tifanny – Thanks for stopping by my blog! And welcome to Berlin. Hope you have as great of a time in the city, as I have. 🙂
It’s always great hearing about various people’s reactions to visiting the saunas and getting naked. I love that it wasn’t a big deal for you!
hi cheryle howard,
i liked the way you told your story, i would say more or less happened to me as well, I was on business trip to berlin with some other people from my company last year and the place where we stayed did not have pool but i remembered coming back frrom the metro i saw sign of spa somewhere so i asked the lady on the reception if any pool or spa in the area so she directed me.
to tell you the truth until now i really did not know about the nudity of spa’s in berlin but anyways,
i got into the building and asked the lady at the front desk if i can buy or hire any swimming costume and she told me i told need one,
i was little surprised so i asked again and she xplained to me why i dont need and that everyone in the pool is naked,,,
this news kind of gave me a spark, i got excited so much and could not beleive but on the other side i was afarid too,,,,
i was
i was afarid what if i get Erection if i see naked girls but still i was still not sure if its going to be compltely naked for all,,,
the momentt i got inside i saw an old man with hanging body and muscles,,,so i was little disappointed so i got into the area to take shower and all of the sudden lady in her 30’s came totally naked and stood next to me taking shower,,,,,,
i was so so afraid to look at her and what if my lilly wakes up, i was dam scared but she left soon,,,
after a while i came outside and looked around,,,and ran towards the pool to hide myself,,,,
anyways after a while i got calm down and came out of the pool and everything looked so normal as if nothing is strange,,
@Ron – Well, that’s quite the story and I’m sure my readers will enjoy your tale as much as I did! Glad that you came to see that being naked at the sauna in Berlin wasn’t such a big deal.
It’s very interesting to read your story. I live in Belgium and the sauna culture here and in the Netherlands is more or less the same as in Germany. I’m going to public (nude) saunas only since 3 – 4 years but I was already used to go to a single sex sauna in my sport center for more than 10 years. In the beginning as 15 year old boy it was a bit strange to go totally naked, even in a single sex sauna but shortly after I got used. Going to a mixed sex sauna was not a big deal any more but I suppose this is easier for men than for women.
It has nothing sexuality and in my experience people star less than in a swimming pool where people wear a swimming costume. Its true most in the people in the sauna are around 40 – 50 years. You can clearly see they are more confident to go naked than younger people of 20 – 30 years. I see it my sport center where boys enter even enter the single-sex sauna in a swimming costume instead of naked with a towel. This is also for the showers; they enter the shower with a swimming costume. Maybe it’s the influence of the youth with an Islam background they do this.
Jan – Thanks for your comment. People feel shy for different reasons I think be it their upbringing, place of origin or maybe religion. Regardless, it’s nice if people can enjoy and feel comfortable having the experience.
I’ve never been naked in a co-ed sauna, and I doubt that I ever will do it either. Even more than the embarrassment that I would experience from being naked in front of men, I would especially embarrassed by seeing naked men.
However, I am quite comfortable being naked in the women’s locker room at the gym. I sometimes wonder if other women think that I’m an exhibitionist? I’m not. But I do not hesitate to walk around naked after I’ve showered, and I usually do my hair and makeup in the nude after I’ve showered because I like to air-dry, but I’m not the only one at the gym that does that.
I got used to locker room nudity in junior high. I was nervous the first day or two of group-showering in junior high, but after a few days it felt kind of liberating, and most of the other girls were comfortable with the nudity as well.
I really don’t have a problem with being naked around other females regardless of whether I know them or not. My sister is completely comfortable being nude around me or our mom or our female cousins, as well as her friends, but she hates to be naked in front of strangers. But I have a couple of friends who are only comfortable being naked around strangers and maybe one or two of their closest friends like myself.
I would like it if the YWCA in my area would have a female only swimsuit optional night once a week, or at least once in a while. I’d give that a try.
Hi Ashley! In my former days, I used to get so mad whenever other women went naked in the all female change room! It made me so uncomfortable. I think you should do whatever you’re comfortable with and makes you happy. 🙂
Hi Cheryl.
My sister is still kind of like that. Like I mentioned, she has no problem being nude around female relatives, but she hates to be naked around strangers. And she doesn’t care to see strangers naked either. I prefer a more “naked locker room.” I’m strictly heterosexual, but I actually kind of like seeing other women’s bodies in a non-sexual way. I never stare at others in the locker room because I don’t think that it’s polite. But I have to admit that I do take a quick peek sometimes. Mostly just for the sake of comparison. But I might be the only women that prefers to see female nude scenes in movies over male nude scenes?
LOL! I definitely don’t stare at others in the locker room. It’s so interesting to learn about cultural differences and try new things when you live abroad! I’m so glad I tried the German sauna as I’m so much more relaxed about things now that I’m back home.
I don't like sauna too much (too hot for my liking), but I love onsen. I've lived in Japan, and I've spent a lot of time in onsen. Have you ever visited an onsen?
Onsen aren't the only time I've been publicly naked. I once took part in a Spencer Tunick photo installation, and I had a blast 🙂
I’ve never been to an onsen! Love to try one though.
And cool that you took part in such an art installation. Sounds like fun. 🙂
Thanks so much for the linkback love! I thought it was only fair to reference the many brave posts that went before in getting nude with the Germans. Plus – I so enjoyed hearing about your experience.
Ebe – but of course! Loved reading about your experience at Tropical Island as well.
Hi Cheryl,
Greetings from a fellow Canuck… 🙂
So I stumbled across this article while researching a blog about cheap wellness options in Berlin. (I am a yoga teacher and my students often ask me about health and wellness stuff in the city, so I wanted to give them a list.) Anyhow, I wanted to include something about German saunas and how great they are, if you can get over the whole naked thing… and I really enjoyed your article, so I linked to it (you can see it here http://englishyogaberlin.com/free-or-cheap-health-and-wellness-in-berlin/).
Thanks for making me laugh (again) about Germany and how weird it is to be foreign here… 🙂 I hope you are re-settling in well back in Toronto. Berlin is grey and dark but the Christmas Markets are booming and we are all waiting for snow… 🙂
Take care
Hi Meg, thanks for your comments and link. Glad you enjoyed the article and that it made you laugh. 🙂
I’ve been to the spa you mentioned in Berlin – spectacular place! I always feel unbelievably relaxed and clean after visits to these places.
In my experience there are always a few beautiful young women floating around in amongst the older crowd, at least in the bigger spas in major cities. This does make it a little difficult if you’re a guy and easily aroused, but after a few visits I’ve learnt how to switch my thoughts to something else…most of the time!
Sometimes it is REALLY difficult to think of something else. I’ve actually written an erotic e-book inspired by such a time. If anyone’s interested in this slightly different take on what Cheryl has written then click on my website link!
Hi James, thanks for your comment. Perhaps some of my readers will find your e-book interesting.
Thanks for the post, I’m going to Cologne/Dusseldorf this fall again and will be doing the traditional German sauna/spa experience for the first time. I am quite nervous about it but after reading your post, I think I can handle it! My biggest concern is about ‘grooming’. As a Canadian, I am completely ‘groomed’, do you think people will think I’m a weirdo? 🙂
Hey Melissa, I’m sure you’ll do well. No worries about grooming, you’ll see a little bit of everything.
Melissa – If you are looking for a sauna in Cologne I would highly recommend Neptunbad. Parts of it are in the beautiful original art deco/art nouveau original baths, and parts are beautifully modern – heaps of different saunas, relaxing rooms, a nice cafe, tea rooms, indoor and outdoor – we were there in the snow so outdoor was cold but also exhilarating. It was my wife and my first taste of the German naked sauna – and we also had the same sorts of reservations as Cheryl, and many other expats have, but had a wonderful day and quickly forgot about the nudity. In Neptunbad most people wear robes when lounging or walking from place to place. It is only the pools/saunas/hot tubs that are textile free…
Charlie – I will add Neptunbad to my list of saunas to visit in Germany. 🙂
A long, long time ago while serving in Peace Corps in I Bolivia went to a small urban sauna a couple of times with other male volunteers. Towels were furnished and we sweated in the nude not realizing it was a mixed sex sauna out of ignorance and because of language. The third visit a lady in her 30’s entered the steam room to our surprise with only a towel on her waist and one draped over her neck covering her breasts. The two of us were exposed but quickly and embarrassingly covered ourselves with towel. It was initially a shocking experience albeit most interesting. While making eye contact with me the lady raised and used her towel to wipe back her hair. That broke the ice and as they say the rest is history. That visit to the sauna took away my modesty and actually gave me a thrill and forever a reason to not to worry about being naked in mixed company. It was a real real eye opener and a personal growth experience.
Thanks for sharing your experience Cheryl. It’s so human and real the way you tell your experience.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for your comment! Bolivia sounds like an interesting place to take in the sauna. Will keep it in mind should I ever make my way to Bolivia, which I really hope to do someday.
Hi Cheryl
I had a couple of very interesting and unexpected experiences at an exclusive hotel resort spa in Davos, Switzerland when I travelled there with my wife. We went to the pool in the late afternoon and sat and hung out for a while with lots of families there and many women walking around in their bathing suits – some quite attractive and some with their children too . I saw the spa door in the back and people were coming and going from there in their robes and I figured it was just the place where people were going for massages and treatments, so I did not think much of it. After a while my wife left the pool and I went over to see what kind of services were offered and to my total astonishment when I walked in there, I immediately noticed that everyone in there was completely naked – I wasn’t sure what I had just walked into or if I was in the wrong place and I nearly panicked thinking I was going to be in trouble but people looked at me and smiled and seemed nothing was wrong. There was no desk or reception area and this spa extended all the way inside so I kept walking towards the back where I saw a changing area. As I stood there, I noticed several open showers with both men and women in them with no curtains or doors to be closed and I could not believe that I was standing there watching them all fully nude and showering. My breath was nearly taken away at this scene. Some of the women looked at me and made eye contact and smiled and made no effort to cover themselves as they showered. In fact, a couple of them actually seemed to make a point of maintaining good eye contact as they soaped themselves and washed and rinsed. Sensing that being nude was an expected requirement to stay in here, I removed my bathing suit and also got fully nude. Now I am a very good looking, tall, very athletic and muscular guy, clean shaved all over and I am very much above average in the ‘size’ department (trying to be somewhat modest so as not to offend lol). The women in the showers who saw me undress were all very clearly looking at my ‘offerings’ and enjoying my presentation as much as I was enjoying theirs lol. Next, I went over to the sauna and was again astounded to find it nearly full of both men and women fully nude all sitting together very closely. I found a seat next to a woman probably in her early 50s that I had seen walking around the pool area in her bathing suit who I thought was very attractive with a great body and now she is sitting next to me facing me on the bench with every part of her body exposed to me – and I mean every part. She smiled and also her glance quickly found it’s way down below my waist where it stayed and I have to say I found this quiet visual interaction very titillating and I was somewhat aroused which I could tell she clearly appreciated when she would make eye contact, smile and widen her eyes. Honestly, this was all almost more than I could bare. There were also other young girls in there with their boyfriends and a couple of older couples – all fully nude. Next to me on the other side of me was a beautiful young girl in her early 20s sitting across from a similar age guy who I assumed was her boyfriend. She was very close to me and clearly was trying to tease her boyfriend with me by leaning towards me and looking down below my waist and making suggestive eye glances towards him to look which he did and smiled back at her. This was all almost more than I could bare and I could not believe what I stumbled across and I thought this was all crazy. I know you say there is nothing sexual about all of this nudity in the spa but there is certainly quite a bit of suggestive staring and gestures that I observed the whole time I was in there and quite honestly I loved it! There was nothing shameful or embarrassing and there were no unwanted or intrusive or offensive things going on. Everyone seemed very respectful. In fact, I saw many of these people later in the evening at the bar and at dinner and the suggestive eye contact continued when we would meet each other’s stares – knowing that we each knew what we looked like fully nude without even knowing each other’s names . I cannot believe that I was now sitting fully clothed with the very same strangers that I had seen their and they had seen my most intimate parts up close! Actually, the older woman that was next to me in the sauna was at the bar with her husband and was very elegantly dressed with hair and makeup done to perfection and just a short time earlier we were hot and sweaty and sitting in the near dark almost touching with a dozen other nude strangers sharing views of our totally nude bodies. She made a point of stealing several long glances with smiles while we were all sitting at the bar – only we knew what we shared visually. Needless to say I am sold on the experience and love it! There is more to this story but I have probably already used up too much space lol.
Hi Emilio – Ha ha, that’s really quite the long story! I’m sure that others here may enjoy it as well. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
@M It’s like looking at other people in the street. Yes, you see them. And move on about your own business.
But you have to try for yourself to understand.
I’ve introduced quite a few people to sauna’s. All of the share your doubts. Until after 5 minutes when they see that nobody cares. You look at bodies just as you look at someones face.
Hi Cheryl… good blog!
On my first visit to Germany in 2013, i visited a lovely spa in Munich and found it such a liberating experience as well as a great confidence booster – to be naked amongst strangers. No one is judge-mental because we are all in the same basic state of nudity so what is there to be ashamed of? The pool area was totally separate and “textile” and i later stripped off in the ‘male only’ circular shower area. I was a little taken aback when a uniformed female attendant came in to flush down the tiled floor, but she never batted a Germanic eyelid, lol !
I’ve practised naturism for a number of years now but only on beach-holidays in Spain etc. so can’t wait to feel free again on some warm & sunny nude beach.
Regards, Keith in prudish UK :))
Hey Keith – Glad to hear that you enjoyed your German sauna experience. Hope you make it back to Germany or another nude friendly beach soon. 🙂
ThanX Cheryl – i sure intend to sometime… always more fun with a like-minded companion/friend though! Btw – how do i change my ‘avatar’ pic on here to a real photo of me? I’m also on Facebook.
Love your post! I have to admit that today I had one of the worst days I have had in a long day. I went to the German SPA for the first time and I had no idea people are going to be naked there – I have lived in Germany for a year now and nobody had told me that. So with my thinking I thought that everyone has a choice – so I will have my swimsuit on and I will pretend I don’t see all these people since it is not nice to stare. It was the first time in my life I felt uncomfortable being dressed… It was horrible. Nobody told me the rules at the spa entrance and I had no idea that getting naked is not a choice. So only after I got back to my hotel room I started to google information and I felt so silly because I finally got to read the rules of using German sauna. However – even if I realize it is part of the culture here, I come from a different culture and I don’t think I should show my naked body to strange people (I don’t care they they are not looking at me, I just feel naked inside and out no matter what) only because this is the culture. They should also explain the rules to non-german speakers or put a big sign at the entrance… After all I’m still ok woth this, I might have tried this again – but like 5 minutes before I was going to leave the sauna I was at (the steam sauna) – I can hear (couldn’t see) a couple having sex!!!!!!!!!! Ok, they didn’t have sex – the guy was helping out her wife with his hand (sorry, I have no idea what is the phrase in english) – and I was not mistaken because I could hear all the sounds and she was gaping so loudly that I simply left and told my boyfriend we are never coming back. So unfortunately this was my last time going to Sauna in Germany. The nudity was ok (only if I had known the rules) but all this together was too much for me. I’m glad to hear that so many people enjoy it, I guess people in my country are very private about their body, it is mean’t only for loved ones and friends!
Hi Eva,
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. Happy to hear that you enjoyed the post!
Sorry to learn that you had such a negative experience. I think what you saw is quite unusual and not permitted in any proper sauna.
I hope that you’ll try it again and enjoy a nicer experience another time as it’s such a healing, peaceful thing to do in germany.
AT my first time I went into the Sauna dressed by mistake.
People were staring at me and my friend.
We then understood that we have to take off our pants.
We went out and took off the pants and went back in to another Sauna.
Next time’s I went in with my wife to Sauna’s in Austria and Germany.
Really nice resorts. I like looking and naked flesh.
No matter how ugly it is.
Thanks for your comment! Glad you were able to enjoy the spas and be comfortable naked. 🙂
Taking a sauna almost daily, nude, is part of my culture, but only with men. Even visiting Sweden, the coed saunas required mummification. Austria and German were another story. One issue was having to be naked. Second issue was not sitting on the bare boards. My last experience in Munich resulted in a great conversation involving me the American, a mummified Swedish guy, and a female naturist from East of Berlin. We talked about cross cultural differences and invited each other to visit. Kind of, all boundaries seemed to dissolve fast. Naturally, no names were exchanged. The Swede was drinking a beer, which is totally kosher in Sweden. In GErmany? Not so sure. Her reaction was, “What bothered me about the Swede’s having a beer in the sauna was I could really use a beer about now.” She persisted in encouraging me to visit the lakes east of Berlin, where she lives. I’ve written about all of this but so far haven’t gotten it published. Unfortunately, some American editors want to sexualize the story, totally not getting it. In January, I plan to visit Iceland and Berlin, and explore cross-cultural differences in culture, including sauna culture. I gather you have lots to say about Berlin.
Hey Jim,
Thanks for your comment. You sure have had some interesting experiences!
Enjoy Berlin and Iceland. 🙂
Good read Cheryl!
I just stumbled on your article today.
I just recently moved to Brussels (May 15) from Ottawa.
I have been a nudist since I am 13 back in Quebec. Now 29 I was looking for place to go in around Belgium.
I came across your article when I googled if it was legal to be naked on my balcony in Belgium haha
Still haven’t found my answer yet, but I am tanning my bum anyway!
I better not hear anyone complain ! Haha
Congrats on your move to Europe! Hope you’re enjoying your new life abroad. Wow, you certainly started out your “nudist career” early. LOL! Hope you don’t have the police come knocking at your door anytime soon. 😉
Dear Cheryl .. you asked “How about you? Would you, could you get publicly naked in Germany or elsewhere? Have you been naked and how did it feel that very first time?”
I’ve of course been briefly nude in female locker rooms on many swimming pool visits, but been too freaked to use group showers and encountered uncomfortable adrenalin moments dropping my panties even when carefully avoiding facing anyone. This annoys me as a seemingly illogical (even antisocial) weakness, especially as I feel fine in a bikini, as a similar aged woman to you.
So yes, I would like to go to a nude sauna (even mixed), and have come close a couple of times, but shied away. It’s therefore empowering for me to read that the fear factor is something you initially felt, and that it can be overcome as you have done, and that you now feel great freedom & reward for your bravery.
I wish I had you to go with me to guide me through it. Then again, what’s your feeling about going with a friend rather than just going in with all strangers? I know you had a girlfriend with you where neither of you had been naked with each other before, but do you think that would have made your first encounter harder or easier? How did you help each other with that .. from your account it seems you took it head on by openly eyeing up & commenting on each other?
I’m also glad that you admit you looked quite actively at men’s junk, as I’d heard that to be a no-no, yet I’d been convinced I wouldn’t be able to help myself & could get into trouble for that.
Fact is that although I feel fine in a bikini, I do feel some hang-up about even girlfriends seeing my privates, let alone talking about each others as you seem to have done. Did you have any hang-ups on body parts, or is that an advantage you would have had over me?
Keen to hear more on your empowerment journey & what it feels like to you now.
Many thanks,
As a female, it was great hearing Cheryl’s account, and now equally great to read your own very liberating experience from an honest male perspective. It’s great that it was so accidental how it happened, to stumble upon a mixed bunch people all so comfortable about nudity, and open about checking each other out.
I have yet to follow through with a desire to take this plunge, partly my own shyness but also not helped by my husband having a hang-up. You might help in that regard, as his hang-up isn’t his size, it’s his discomfort being circumcised having been brought up in the UK where that’s unusual & provoked teasing in school years, etc.
I know neither his fear or mine are all that rational, and you may not have been looking too closely at the male parts, but were penises generally uncircumcised in this Swiss spa too & would you feel as OK if you’d been circumcised? If you did look, don’t be embarrassed to admit it, as I won’t tell anyone & I’d like to let my hubbie know!
Another aspect he worries about is the fear of getting an erection, which I’m told also rarely happens. Although your account seemed to some level of sexual interest in fairly openly looking at each other, I found it interesting that you still didn’t mention this predicament occurring for either yourself or the other men. Do you think that’s an unwarranted concern of his too?
Many thanks,
Hi Sara,
I am a naturist/nudist of many years and in my once only (so far!) solo experience of the German sauna in Munich, i would say that all your fears are unfounded. Besides it being a bit of a no-no to talk much in a German sauna, because people just go to relax, you will find that nobody will be staring at you, or even looking, and after a couple of minutes you will begin to relax and enjoy the wonderful liberating feeling of being naked in the heat of the sauna with other like-minded folk…
Enjoy when you can…
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for sharing your experience. To be honest, I’ve only ever gone to the sauna with a gal pal or a boyfriend and never alone. When I’ve gone with other girls, everyone is usually shy at first but soon gets over it. We just laugh off our silliness!
You’re not supposed to openly stare at anyone but I glanced at the men from time to time. I was a little too obvious in the beginning, perhaps due to the novelty but soon got over that as well.
I didn’t have any hangups about my body, really. You see so many people of different shapes and sizes, not to mention ages, that you soon feel comfortable.
Hope this helps somehow?!
I hope you don’t mind an update Cheryl since contacting you in October, but to some degree your blog helped us. My BF John, plus his mate & GF were holidaying in our home country, Australia in taking the mixed group nude plunge, yes with a few coy giggles at first but with no regrets! It wasn’t like the big open European saunas you describe but was a smaller venue, it was on a “couples night” and it was “clothing optional”. We four got there early, initially having it to ourselves. We all started in bathers, but John after a while in the hot pool announced he was going to make use of the clothing optional opportunity as he put his swimwear onto the side of the pool and I followed suit (both still hidden to the shoulders under the water). Getting out to go to the sauna was the real “intake of breath” moment, but when the other two entered the sauna a bit later it was quite a relief to see they’d also now gone fully nude. Only two other couples joined during the evening, of which everyone was happily naked except one woman kept her bottoms on. The experience was absolutely brilliant, inspiring us to spend another day “skinny dipping” on a quiet but fairly open beach before flying back to Melbourne. We’d become closer as a group of friends along the way too. With thanks, Sara (& John) x
Hey Sara – Thanks for the update. So cool that you were both able to partake in the naked spa experience and have fun doing so! All the best in your future naked adventures. 🙂
After reading through all the comments, I have noted a common theme running through many of the those made by men, namely their alleged fear of having an unwanted erection when naked in mixed company. Now Cheryl, I will let you in on a piece of Secret Men’s Business. What we men are afraid of is not that we might have an erection when naked in mixed company; what we are really afraid of is NOT having an erection. After all, if the sight of a naked female were enough to induce an automatic erection, we would not need Viagra, would we.
Hello Michael –
Ha ha, maybe it’s true.
To be honest, I think that everyone should take a step back and enjoy the healing and relaxing experience of being at a sauna. The German spa is not meant to be sexual at all and everyone confuses this *way* too much, which is quite worrying.
Thanks for reading!
I agree Cheryl…. just relax and enjoy the sauna for what it is, never mind worrying about all the other stuff !
ps….. and if the likes of Mr. Mills went around sporting an erection in a German Spa, he would soon be asked to leave !
Being naked in a Spa is far from a German thing. In most European countries this is the norm e.g. I’m Dutch and can’t think of entering a sauna clothed. In The Netherlands the common croud at spas in between 16 and 50. Far from unatractive, yet people don’t stare,
Opening a European style spa in the US is probably the worst idea ever as it would attract the wrong crowd and expectations are set incorrectly.
Being European I always wonder why it’s okay to carry a gun, yet you really wierd if you go to a spa in the nude. Likewise… really strange to consider anything nude to be sexual….
Oh well.
Hey Mark –
Yep, I know. I never said that nude saunas were limited to Germany. This article is simply a *personal* story of mine of what it felt like as a North American to try out the German sauna for the first time.
Opening a European style spa in the US might actually do Americans some good and encourage them to relax a bit when it comes to nudity, but it would take a long time to change this mindset unfortunately. So yeah, at the moment, not a good idea.
Thanks for reading!
Well, I’m from Canada so we are on the same page as Europe, and not that of the US when it comes to guns. But unfortunately, we are not there yet when it comes to the nude sauna. I’m happy to have had my experience here in Germany though, as I’ve come to be so much more relaxed.
Congratulations that you mastered your German nudism experience.
You are not the only one to complain about willie waving in public spas. Most Germans dislike this, too. This nasty habit is shown in certain spas that are well known across the country and are therefore avoided by most Germans also. One place particularly notorious for this behaviour is Therme Erding that was recommended in an earlier post.
Your funny story brings to mind an episode that happened many years ago. We went on a business trip to New Orleans and our management assistant accompanied us. It was her first trip to to the US of A and little was she aware of what awaited her. She was an extremely attractive 28-year-old girl and was happy that she could use the hotel’s spa at no extra expenditure. When we met in the evening she told me that she went into the sauna room as she would have done at home (which means completely naked, of course) and everybody in the room shrieked with horror and was wearing a swimsuit. She found that quite weird…
Being nude in public is a characteristic thing for northern Europe.
These countries are predominantly Protestant and therefore have a more relaxed relation to sexuality and the human body. The more Catholic countries in the south have just the same crooked morale as North America.
Particularly in the former GDR, where public nudity was officially encouraged and one of the few pastimes you could enjoy because it didn’t cost anything and needed no particular tools or resources. Inhabitants from the former GDR also statistically had more sex than their western counterparts because the TV program was so bad and there were not so many other opportunities to spend your free time. In the end, maybe making the TV program worse would help us all to become more happy
Once I was asked by a US colleague how we deal with all those teenage pregnancies when we are allowed to drink beer from the age of sixteen. This sounded absolutely weird to me, as the sequence of drinking and getting drunk, being drunk and having sex, and having sex and becoming pregnant is not nearly as logical over here as it seems to be in the US. That’s why we do not need events lilke spring break to make contact with the opposite sex.
Hey Rick,
Thank you for reading and taking the time to leave a comment. I’ve heard incidents of Germans getting naked elsewhere in the world and causing quite a stir! Pretty funny. 🙂
Hey Rick – Yep, there sure are some cultural differences between the two places. Now, if only our North American counterparts would relax a little bit more!
– Cheryl
Haha here we see cultural difference. Im finnish but live in Sweden.
Finnish sauna culture seems almost same as German. Even if Swedish people are more German (thinking of language etc). Swedish people are more shy, I reackt opposite way. “Why dont you shower properly” I see many who shower with swimsuit on.
I also chocked out people in one swedish sauna.
I was ofcourse naked people came in then they did go out.
Happen also on beach in Sweden even small children is not ok to be naked (no rules but unwritten rules).
I once saw one naked bathing and guess what, they were Russian 🙂
I guess in Germany they think as in Finland that this is not anyway sexual. I also think more important to be clean shower properly etc and in Sauna everyone is human. You dont see by uniform who each are…and many good discussions are run in sauna with people you normally would not talk with.
Hi Cheryl,
Great article! I do have a question about grooming. You mentioned about grooming for women, but what is the expectation for men? Is it ok to to leave the pubic hair or do we need to shave it off for a cleaner look?
Hey Chris –
Thanks for reading! To be honest, I have no idea. I’d say that you should just do whatever you’re comfortable with. I’d like to think that no one would care or judge you for sporting a more natural look. 🙂
Thanks for reading and sharing your experiences David!
Hi Cheryl,
Great article and the posts over the years have been interesting to read! I became a fan of clothes free hot spring/sauna experiences when in Japan for 2 years, where I loved the onsen and rotemboro’s (outside onsen) they have there, especially where I was based in the mountains of Hokkaido. There its almost always sex segregated so the added complication of mixed bathing when I went to Holland a few years later took a bit of getting used to, but not much. Its just no big deal and nobody cares what anyone else looks like – folk are just there to relax and unwind. However its not everybody’s cup of tea!
I would definitely like to visit Germany one day (Munich Oktoberfest!) and sample one or two of the wonderful looking sauna complexes they have there. My Japanese wife has been with me to Elyssium in Rotterdam and enjoyed it, although is not overly bothered if she has to wear a bathing suit in the sauna, which I now find odd – definitely much better sans any clothing at all.
Living in the UK our rather silly, puritanical attitudes means that most people would rather poke their eyes out than be seen naked by anyone of the opposite sex, plus saunas are generally seen as a bit ‘dodgy’ owing to their unfortunate connection with those types of establishments. That is changing as more gyms and hotels etc. have saunas and steam rooms now, but the naked thing is definitely not going to catch on, more’s the pity.
Hey David – Thanks for reading and commenting! Hope you and your wife can make it Germany soon to enjoy the German sauna experience first-hand. 🙂
Hello Cheryl. Read your post a few months back. Very informative. Comments by others very helpful and entertaining. This past July, I finally had opportunity to experience (unfortunately without my wife but hope next time) a German sauna and Roman bath in Baden-Baden. I was still nervous and anxious to be naked with strangers but what did I have to lose other than all my clothes? I first started at Caracalla Therme. It’s a wonderful place with many different saunas and jacuzzi. So, I have my towel for some coverage. After a few minutes, I was all in with just using my towel to protect wood benches. Back and forth to all the saunas, full exposure. It was invigorating for this prudish American. I enjoyed my 2 hours. Then, I went next door to Friedrichsbad, the complete nude Roman bath. Even though I was just enjoying the saunas, I still had some anxiety. But, this experience was on my bucket list (public nudity) since obtaining milestone age. Let’s go so I paid for 4 hours. After removing clothes in locker room, I go to the first of 17 stations as they label them. So, here I am buck naked and greeted by 3 women attendants. Anxiety yes but I proceed forward as I have paid. After the hot dry air saunas, I proceed to the soap scrub. Guess gender attendant? Female! She motions me to table and states “face up”. There I am, naked and manhood in full exposure with female attendant. But, she was very professional and I just relaxed. I was hoping to stay longer but only 10 minutes. After that, I then enjoyed the various pools and moist saunas. Back and forth, very relaxing. After 3 hours, it was time to relax in warm blankets wrapped as a burrito. But, it was great. Then, I had some tea in final room. As i enjoyed my tea, I wondered to balcony. While enjoying the outside on balcony, I said to myself – “hello world. I am naked and enjoying myself with no more anxiety”. 4 hours and worth it. I hope you enjoyed my story and others will enjoy also. For many, public nudity is a challenge. Experience it and you will be grateful. It is nerve wracking at first but you will overcome.
Thanks for sharing Todd and glad you had such a positive experience!
I ve never been nude in public (sauna or lake…), but I think I would try it.
My only fear is that my ”tool” will be in erection all the time (when I see some nude ladies). Have you seen someon with that ”problem”? That would be awkward for me.
Nope, it’s a common assumption, but the German sauna experience is about health and well being and is not anything sexual. If you were to have that errr “problem” while at the spa, you’d likely be asked to leave.
It is ok in sauna to ask me to leave, but for example when it happened on the lake. What then? I will surely get errrr if I see for example you naked.
Is it awkward to other people?
Yes, of course it’s not comfortable for other people and will be very creepy. Unless you can remove the sexuality from the situation, you should avoid going to naked at saunas or the lake.
Not about this post, but could you tell me today (2019) is there any ‘no going’ part of city that are unsafe like they were: Marzhan, Hellersdorf…
I am moving in Berlin till the end of this year so it’s good to know.
Hi Milos,
I don’t really think there’s a bad part of Berlin anywhere. Just some districts are nicer than others, closer to the center etc. Just decide an area based on what you like, cost, availability, etc.
My wife and I went to the Friedrichsbad spa in Baden Baden. It was our first time there but not our first time in mixed German spas. She wanted a massage before we went into the spa, so we both decided to get one. She’s not had a massage at a German spa previously, so she didn’t know what to expect. When the tiny French masseur showed up, he had her remove her bathrobe and get on the massage table, “Face up, Face up.” She laid down and instead of getting a sheet pulled over her, the guy placed a small towel over her lower privates. He then proceeded to give her the most vigorous massage she’s ever had, with the small 4” by 4” towel bobbing on her like a cork in the ocean. She didn’t say anything about the no sheet policy figuring that she was in a textile free spa, and maybe that was just the routine. While she felt horribly exposed, she didn’t say a word. The masseur never did anything inappropriate, which calmed her a little. After 55 minutes of her 70 minute massage, he finally asked her to turn over. She was so tense the whole time, it was her worst massage ever. Meanwhile, I got the same massage treatment with a small difference. My masseur, a guy not being my first choice, but “Oh well,” went through the same routine. Take off your robe and, “Face up, Face up.” I complied and immediately after I laid on the table, up came the sheet, from my ankles to my chin. Haha! My wife wets her finger and makes an imaginary mark on the board every time she tells that story.
While the soap scrub was pleasant, the best station I found to be when we were led to the large, darkened round room, wrapped like a papoose in a warm sheet and laid to rest for as long as we wanted. I don’t think I’ve been that comfortable since I was in the womb. Friedrichsbad is a wonderful place.
Hey Randy! Thanks for sharing your story. I’d also be super uncomfortable without a sheet! Funny that the treatment was not consistent. The latter part of your spa experience sounds amazing. I did a beer bath in Prague once and after the bath, they wrap you in blankets and let you rest for a while. And then it gets followed by a massage. It was also lovely.
My husband and I are going to an Austrian spa and he is curious what men normally do with their foreskin? We are from Canada and it is pretty custom that men have their glans showing when naked here as most men have been circumcised. Is it the same at the European spas? Thanks!
Hi Jess! Thanks for your comment. For sure, a lot of European men aren’t circumcised and as far as I know, people don’t do anything special or even think about it. They just get naked and enjoy the spa experience. 🙂